tsmc s12
I've installed the TSMC CMOS 0.18um 2.0v design kit on my ADS 2005A software
whenever I use one of the TSMC component for the simplest simulation ( for example, S-Parameters of R-C network) the simulator gives me this known error:
"R1 is an instance of on undefined model 'TSMC_CM018RF_BB_SUBCKT_mpo1' "
does anyone familiar with this problem? could some one help me please? this
Can You e-mail me your deskit? - I can try repair it
ok, I attach the designkit here, thanks alot
Hi.I think you didn't include the right model.
please refer this topic:
Installation Instructions for the ADS Front End design kit for the TSMC 0.18um RF CMOS process from hxxp://www.tec.ufl.edu/~dojeda/intersil/report0723/david0723.html
If it is the model problem, could someone offer the correct model.
I see the content of the *.net file, it is for Hspice. So when I make a schemetic simulation, in the schemetic, there are no model selection item at all, it is to say, the model does not installed successfully, could someone solve this problem?
thanks in advance
Added after 1 hours 41 minutes:
I have added the process model, but some error ocurs, like the "rn is a reserved sinature for noise... during parsing" why?
only I know is that 'rn' defind in file 'ResModel_dk.net' conflicts with ADS reserves.
but I do not know how to fix it. Are you sure this is the right designkit and it is for the version 2005A of ADS?
yes,I am sure that it is the right PDK,but how to resolve this problems?
ads error um~~
You have to add the "technology include" which is a component in you tsmc componet panel,if it is not this stupid wrong,you can email me and offer some more information.
Hi every bady,
I am a new searcher in RFIC and I would like to know how can we intall the 018TSMC design kit in ADS,
You can contact me by
you didn't use the substrate. (The proccess icon)
But if you use it, it will give you an other error message
Added after 1 hours 43 minutes:
illegal subcircuit name: 'rn' is reserved for noise resistance.
BUt I can't find the 'rn' subcircuit
Added after 18 minutes:
The ResModel.net file define rn:
define rn ( n2 n1 body )
But, I feel, this isn't the answer for the question.
Added after 5 minutes:
So, if somebody knows the solution for this problem, please answer it!
Nobody knows the solution for this problem?
Any idea?
check this it is version 3
use the technology icon
The example project is working. So, it seems a good design kit!
Thank you!
You're a god, my friend!
great , is there anyone have the 0.13 one
The RF transistors width is 2.5 um and I can't change that. What is the reason of it?
I can only change the nr.
Added after 18 minutes:
Has somebody an idea how can I simulate the gate-source capacitance of the transistor?
typically in RF CMSO model , the model is not a BSIM transistor alone but the transisitor is represented with
1) BSIM3v3 model
2) substarte network
3) gate network
4) source and drain diodes
it is called RF macro model of the MOS device
so modeling people efforts are very tough , so they model the transistor or specific W , and allow u to add multiple factor M , number of fingers ,
also don't forget , that u should refer to the layout manual of the technology to see the recommendation of the RF CMOS devices layout
like if hey take into account the the gate is double terminated or singal terminated , this effect a lot in the gate resistance
using S parameters u can get the input impdenace , the imaginary part is input capacitance of the MOS , but sure cgd will be effective as well
So, I just make an S parameter simulation?
But what should I use for termination?
Added after 17 minutes:
I should calculate the Zin from Γin?
Added after 31 minutes:
It would be a good solution if we can simulate the parasitic capacitances as Eldo, you can run an .OP simulation and all the datas are calculated.
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