what does it mean UWB systems is carrierless?
Hi there
what does it mean UWB systems is carrierless?
UWB does have modulation and modulation actually means carrier...
But i dont get it, what does it mean carrierless?
what does it mean UWB systems is carrierless?
UWB does have modulation and modulation actually means carrier...
But i dont get it, what does it mean carrierless?
< what does it mean carrierless?
I guess easier to understand SSB signal
no, modulation doesn't mean carrier
modulation is the information that can be superimposed onto a carrier
and as yura717 is hinting at in his link, the carrier can be suppressed as in SSB ( single sideband) DSB suppressed carrier ( Double Sideband)
Double sideband with carrier is basically AM
UWB or spread-spectrum transmission doesn't have a single freq. that can be considered the carrier freq
Apart from the SSB link in yura's post, also google spread spectrum transmission techniques