RF contacting junction for coaxial rotary joint
But I don't have experience.
I don't understand the silver graphalloy and coin silver.
If you have some materials, please, share!
Thank you.
you should define at least:
Angular velocity
Motion frequency: do you rotate sometime or continuosly?
Water resistance: none?, rain?, immersion?
Torque resistance: an N R.J. is more ruggerized than SMA R.J.
Operative Frequency
Often, R.J. can be built (invented) in house with some old N type connectors, some rubber O rings, and a lathe machine. A mechanical skilness is required.
About the materials, the central pin contact of most coax connector is made by Be-Cu Alloy, then silver or gold plated.
The Cu-Be alloy give one of the least friction coefficient.
Hi every b ody
I want to design a 2- channel coaxial Rotary Joints, but I don't know how I must do that!
Can anyone please help mee?
Please try to find patents in www.freepatentsonline.com.
You can get skills and ideas.
it only has to be a contacting rotary joint if the RF is broadband or you need DC also. If it is narrowband (say 10%) you can do a non-contacting coaxial sleeve, like a quarterwave coupled section.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphalloy Use Rhodium or gold plating?
Graphalloy is very important for contacting.