Make a miniaturized and wideband Monopole at low frequency (200~500MHz)
Thank you very much.
An electrical small antenna (l < λ/4) can't achieve wideband matching. The smaller the antenna, the lower the bandwidth.
Thanks FvM very much.
My monopole is a spiral monopole, and It's a small antenna but bandwidth is narrow. (5 MHz)
Do you have experience in this case: How to make it wideband?
Any paper suggested?
Many thanks
I can only refer to an application note that shows why the bandwidth of an electrical small antenna can't be increased without reducing the effciency.
The AN is quoting an IEEE paper which derives the theory behind the statement
J.S.McLean: A re-examination of the fundamental limits on the radiation Q of electrically small antennas, IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat, vol 44, pp672-675, May 1996
Thanks FvM very much. You look have many experiment in this field. Thank a lot
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