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RF multimeter, list of usable "modules"

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, I always wanted to build a very simple, but usable, multimeter for RF work, to be used out in the field. Very simple circuits combined into a single enclosure to do the job. They do not need to be of high performance, simple circuits that just do the job, but the circuits need to be simple (a few components each).

I have a list of the modules that might be useful:

R.F. Probe
A.F. Probe
Switched Attenuator
C.W. Monitor
Dummy Load
Field Strength Meter
Gate Dip Oscillator
Sweep Oscillator
Crystal Tester
Simple Signal Generator
IMD oscillator
Current Limiting Power Supply (LM317L)
Spectrum Wavemeter
Marker Generator
Harmonics generator
Noise Generator
Noise Bridge
Resistive SWR Bridge
Audio Amplifier
Return loss bridge
Harmonics switched filter
RF power meter
Diode matcher
BJT matcher
FET matcher
BJT beta testrer
Decade resistor
Decade capacitor
simple spectrum analyzer

Can you think of any other "modules" that I could help RF work of a homebrewer and should be included in the list?

It sounds as though it's a great idea, but someday you'll want to get two different functions, with some distance between them. (Example, feed a waveform to a transmitter, measure rf intensity 100 feet away.) Then you'll wish you had built two enclosures. Therefore consider putting all input-related circuits in one enclosure, and all functions for measuring output in another enclosure.

Thanks, useful info.

It is difficult to try to predict how these modules will be used in parallel (in combination) and decide on the inter-connections between them. In contrast to the multimeter, where one function is used at a time, this meter will allow for parallel measuring of more than one things.

Can you think of any other simple devices that are needed for the RF experimenter? I cannot think of any other measuring things to put into it?

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