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how amplify an rf-amplifier?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,
i have an broadband rf amplifier from 50MHz to 3000MHz and max. Output from 33dBm (gain circa 30dB). I have established, that for my applications i need more output power, a gain from additional 15dB would be good...A second amplifier in row from the same type is not possible, because of the max input power from 10dBm -.-
Has someone an idea, how can i amplify the power?

Thanks everyone for every hint :)

Hi Winges,

An additional 15dB gain would give you an output power of 48dBm or 63Watts. Basically that is going to be a big and expensive PA, especially if you need it to be linear over such a large bandwidth.

Here is a starter

http://www.everythingrf.com/search/microwave-rf-amplifiers/filters?page=1&country=global&stype=;Power%20Ampli fier;&sfrequency_min=50&sfrequency_max=3000&spower _w_min=50&spower_w_max=100

33dBm Output Power from 50MHz to 3000 MHz with a 30dB Gain !
May I get the part number of this amplifier ? I doesn't seem as real...
Be careful, this amplifier can work in this band but it cannot give this power during whole band.There should be some tricks..

Why do you need so much power? What is the application?

@big boss: yes thats right, in the range 50-2000MHz as per data sheet he can 34,7dBm and in the range 2000-3000MHz the output power is 33dBm.

Yes i know that is much power :D we need this in our lab to spin control nanodiamonds.. for the patchantenna that we use, we can reach emission from 20dBm with this amplifier and we suppose that we need circa 10dBm more....the patch antenna has a S11 parameter from -25dB and i think thats near at the "optimum" from the antenna, so that we must push at a other part.

thanks all for the reply!

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