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antenna matching and VNA output power

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

Please I want to know how we choose the correct output power of the vector network anaalyzer (VNA) for the tuning (matching) of an ISM 433 MHz antenna and gps antenna?

Thank you

Does not matter up to the point you start melting it.
Keep default setting

So, why we find different vna with different output power?

a vna with 0 dbm output power is a good one for antenna testing?

Because there are cases when you want to adjust vna output power: measurements of P1dB etc.
0 dbm is just fine.

What are you planning on measuring using your VNA? Most measurements of antennas require a test range to properly perform. A VNA will give a fairly good first pass VSWR on your bench.

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