Dispersion Equation in Microstrip, Text equation wrong?
In the text Practical Microstrip Design and Applications, by Gunter Kompa, page 124 he gives an equation for the the quasi-static region for dispersion as
, in Microslop Excel form. h is in mm
His reference another one of his own books, "Microstrip Lines and Slotlines" but gives no page number.
He gives an example of microstrip line on GaAs substrate as
Er=12.9, h=0.5mm "is calculated as 5.1 GHz". I'm coming up with 14 GHz which is unrealistically large for the frequency where dispersion is important.
Possibly I should be calculating:
Where the author is using the characteristic impedance relative to the dielectric constant? But this still does not give me 5.1 GHz.
, in Microslop Excel form. h is in mm
His reference another one of his own books, "Microstrip Lines and Slotlines" but gives no page number.
He gives an example of microstrip line on GaAs substrate as
Er=12.9, h=0.5mm "is calculated as 5.1 GHz". I'm coming up with 14 GHz which is unrealistically large for the frequency where dispersion is important.
Possibly I should be calculating:
Where the author is using the characteristic impedance relative to the dielectric constant? But this still does not give me 5.1 GHz.
Microstrip Equation Dispersion 相关文章: