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How to determine the power capacity of a microstrip transmission line

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am designing a microstrip filter in 6[GHz] with AWR. I have to handle 150 [W] of power, and I ask me if the design is going to be able to tolerate that power.

I will use roger substrate, with Er=3.5 and TanLoss=0.0018.

What does the power capacity depend on? Anybody can help me? Is only function of the dielectric loss (and heating), or the rf current in the copper, or both? How can I determine exactly how many power my design can handle?

I have been looking on the web and in this forum, some publications about this issue, but i found many IEEE papers about this but are not free and therefore i can't access to them. In the forum i found only one thread about this, and the only answer was a link to the rogers calculator. I would like to learn a little more on that topic, not only calculate them (although I would also be useful).

Besides, someone knows if AWR has the capability of simulate power signals in a port?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Rogers Corp has a good paper on this. Keep in mind any answer has many assumptions (temperature, copper thickness, etc).



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