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How would I model an RF Input Source in HSPICE?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone. I would like to know how do I model an RF input source in hspice? I would like it to have a definitive frequency but with varying, random voltage amplitudes. Would that be possible? The amplitudes would vary from 0.1 - 1.5 V and must be randomly generated. How would I do it?

I don't know what would be the point to generate that. Looks like you want to generate noise. I never tried it before but you can refer to this thread

Hello everyone. I would like to know how would I model the RF input for our RF energy harvesting. I find it hard because in real life, the signal that I will be receiving in my antenna would not have a uniform amplitude and frequency. But assuming that we focus on a certain frequency band, my only remaining problem is how to model that varying amplitude in our signal as the input. I have read that the received RF signal from the environment will be in terms of power (dBm), but I have no idea how to do this. If I can figure out how to represent the RF signal as the input, I can proceed in designing my rectifier. I'm using HSPICE as my simulation tool.

Thank you.

I would like to emulate the RF signal that is present in the environment wherein its amplitudes are varying. I don't think pulses suits this.

Think about varying the amplitude in a parametric sweep.

I think the 0.1-1.5V range is much too optimistic for power harvesting, unless you are VERY VERY close to the base station. Before you start simulations, you should grab a spectrum analyzer and get a feel for realistic receiced power levels at your frequency band of interest.

Look for an antenna in the list of components. Place it in a circuit. If you're lucky it automatically produces some signal. You may need to give it a connection to ground through a resistor.

I use Falstad's animated simulator. It has an antenna component which "receives" an AM radio broadcast as described above.

Here's another idea. Arrange three or more AC generators so their signals mix (series or parallel). Choose frequencies at non-integer ratios so the output waveform is irregular.

Another idea. Look for a circuit which simulates a burning candle whose brightness changes more or less randomly.
Or create a Chua chaotic oscillator which works at a definite frequency but also contains some amount of randomness.

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