hfss maximum delta frequency per pass
Dear All
first i would like to thank two of our forum members from the deepest part of my heart about their kind and helpful support, these two members are:
The recent problem that I'm facing right now is that i cant choose three parameters while assigning the "Solution Setup", These Three parameters are:
1- The "Maximum Delta Frequency per Pass"
2- The "Maximum Refinement per pass"
3- The "Minimum Number of converged passes"
The reason that made me not able to assign those parameters is i don't really understand there meaning and after i did read the help and the software manual i couldn't figure out their meaning either.
so , if any body knows there meanings, Send me back ASAP to stop my struggle.
Again, thank you so much for all what you did to me guys. you are really wonderful.
Best regards,
e-mail: m_goher@yahoo.com
first i would like to thank two of our forum members from the deepest part of my heart about their kind and helpful support, these two members are:
The recent problem that I'm facing right now is that i cant choose three parameters while assigning the "Solution Setup", These Three parameters are:
1- The "Maximum Delta Frequency per Pass"
2- The "Maximum Refinement per pass"
3- The "Minimum Number of converged passes"
The reason that made me not able to assign those parameters is i don't really understand there meaning and after i did read the help and the software manual i couldn't figure out their meaning either.
so , if any body knows there meanings, Send me back ASAP to stop my struggle.
Again, thank you so much for all what you did to me guys. you are really wonderful.
Best regards,
e-mail: m_goher@yahoo.com
1. The solution process in HFSS is iterative !
2. With each iteration step the mesh is increased by value "Maximum Refinement per pass" ( in % of the mesh size on previous step).
3. The criteria to stop iteration is "Maximum Delta Frequency per Pass" .
It is a relative difference between two frequencies (in %) of two last solutions.
4. Some times the iterative process is not monotonous. Then you have to iterate little bit more before you stop to be shure in result.
So, the number of converged (see p.3) iteration steps is defined by "Minimum Number of converged passes"
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