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Problem with modelling a monopole with a ground plane using HFSS

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am trying to model a simple monopole with a ground plane using HFSS. I am finding it difficult to insert an excitation. I have tried various combinations including going through the UHF probe example but still no luck

Is there anyone out there willing to send me a hfss file of a monopole with ground plane? Or anyone able to go through this step by step as i am a beginner?

Thanks in advance

thank you for helping

this is taken from a doc jmaybe it will help u
In the project explorer, right-click
Excitation -> Assign -> Lumped Port.
Name the port source and leave the default values for impedance. Click
Using the mouse, position the cursor to the bottom-center of the port.
Ansoft's snap feature should place the pointer when the user approaches the
center of any object. Left-click to define the origin of the E-field vector. Move the
cursor to the top-center of the port. Left-click to terminate the E-field vector. Click
finish to complete the port excitation.

thanks for the reply
Unfortunately I am unable to produce a radiation plot, any ideas why?

i think that it has a book of HFSS here this board, you should look for it .

thanks i will use the search function

I tried to use the search but cant seem to solve my problem.

As I am new to HFSS, I have tried to model the monopole with a groundplane using a box and rectangle. I cant seem to get the sim results. Also the excitation is confusing, but i am using a lumped port, is that correct?

Also what is a radiation boundary?

Sorry for all the stupid questions

HFSS is not that easy, so i recommend you to study the manual carefully and practice some examples in it, radiation boundary is used when you are simulating anteenas or radiating objects. in real life we have a free space around us to infinity similarly radiation boundary in HFSS represents the boundary which absorbs all radiations and act like you are simulating anteena in space, It could be of any shape, but it should be at least lambda/4 distance away from radiating object. (read HFSS anteena example section)
download manual from this link.


Thanks for the link mfarhan1
are you an expert in hfss?

The radiation boundary condition does not absorb all radiation. Keep in mind that the air/vacuum also has impedance, means there will be a reflection. Nevertheless, the radiation boundary condition represents the free space.

what will happen if no radiation boundary is used?

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