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export IE3D GEO file, and import into MWO as DXF or GDSII?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Could anyone please tell me if it is possible to export DXF or GDSII files from IE3D, and easily import them into MWO?

I am able to export to both DXF and GDSII from IE3D, but I am not able to import these files into MWO..

I have some examples of GDSII files from MWO that imports just fine. Could it be a problem with the export function in IE3D?


Hi, OMS:

The GDSII and DXF export is used quite extensively. The chance of problem is quite low. In case you think the exported GDSII file is incorrect, please send it to support@zeland.com.


Hi Jian, and thanks for quick answear.

Question is now posted to support at Zeland.

Regards, OMS

Hi, OMS:

Yes. We received it. We checked the GDSII on IE3D and it looks ok. We checked it on MWO and MWO did not report problem even though it has a message for the layer mapping. However, the project could not be opened. This message happens for all GDSII files. We tried other IE3D exported GDSII files and everything is correctly. Finally, we use your attached IE3D geometry file and export the GDSII file here and tried to import it into MWO. This time, MWO reports unrecognized character. It seems to us it is due to the fact that you have the character @ in the file name and this file name is used as the structure name in the GDSII file and MWO's GDSII import can't recognize the @ character. When we change the file name to other name without the @ character, everything is smooth.

Also, IE3D is linked directly to MWO. You can also easily transfer it to MWO. For example, you create a new EM STRUCTURE on MWO for IE3D. Then, you open the file on IE3D layout editor from MOW. You can paste the structure from another IE3D layout editor into this one and transfer the structure back to MWO. This is an alternative way for it.

Thank you for the report.


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