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Looking for materials about meshing of geometry for FDTD analysis

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone,

I am working on designing a low level software for FDTD analysis of arbitrary geometry and I am having problems with meshing of the geometry. Please, if any one can help me get this materials and upload, I will be very grateful.

Original paper: "Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm", William E. Lorensen and Harvey E. Cline,
Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '87), Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 163-169.

J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner and J. F. Hughes. Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice. Second edition, Addison-Wesley publishing company, 1990.

United States Patent Number: 4,710,876
Date of Patent: Dec. 1, 1987
Inventors: Harvey E. Cline, William E. Lorensen
Assignee: General Electric Company
Title: "System and Method for the Display of Surface Structures Contained Within the Interior Region of a Solid Body"
Filed: Jun. 5, 1985

United States Patent Number: 4,885,688
Date of Patent: Dec. 5, 1989
Inventor: Carl R. Crawford
Assignee: General Electric Company
Title: "Minimization of Directed Points Generated in Three-Dimensional Dividing Cubes Method"
Filed: Nov. 25, 1987

"Fast Collision Detection of Moving Convex Polyhedra", Rich Rabbitz,
[Gems IV], pages 83-109, includes source in C.

SOLID: "a library for collision detection of three-dimensional objects undergoing rigid motion and deformation. SOLID is designed to be used in interactive 3D graphics applications, and is especially suited for collision detection of objects and worlds described in VRML. Written in standard C++, compiles under GNU g++ version 2.8.1 and Visual C++ 5.0." See: http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/tt/gino/solid/

You can also use the marching-cubes algorithm, if the extraction of surfaces from the data set is easy to do (see Subject 5.10).

Bresenham 3D:
- http://www.sct.gu.edu.au/~anthony/in...resenham.procs
- [Gems IV] p. 366
Volume rendering:
- [Watt:Animation] pp. 297-321
- IEEE Computer Graphics and application
Vol. 10, Nb. 2, March 1990 - pp. 24-53
- "Volume Visualization"
Arie Kaufman - Ed. IEEE Computer Society Press Tutorial
- "Efficient Ray Tracing of Volume Data"
Marc Levoy - ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 9, Nb 3, July 1990

Also, I will be very grateful for any book on VOXEL(volume elements) and Marching cube methods.

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