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near field hfss

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

i am trying to design a compact cassegrain antenna where the shaped subreflector is in the near-field of the feed horn.now, my problem is that - how to see the near field (radiation) pattern in HFSS? so that i can accordingly design the subreflector surface.

if anybody knows the answer kindly share ur views here.

with regards

Just a caution, It will probably require more RAM than there is in the world to model a reflector system using HFSS. If you have a really big machine it may be possible. As a WAG, maybe 30 GB oer more.

You might want to look into TICRA as an alternative.

SABOR is a really inexpensive tool that will give you a rough cut on reflector systems.



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