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Exporting fields from HFSS

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am currently using HFSS to perform some simulations and wish to obtain the numerical value of fields within a slice through the centre of a structure. For this reason I have defined a plane which bisects the model. From what I understand there are three methods by which one may export the field values (as a csv or excel file):

1) by generating a data table in the report editor,
2) by right clicking on the field plot,
3) by using the field calculator

When I try to use the report editor to plot the fields I select the fields report type and am then presented with three categories of data that may be plotted: variables, output variables and calculator expressions. Unfortunately the first category does not contain any relevant variables, whilst the second and third are empty.

For this reason I obtain the fields by using the overlay plot function (and not the report editor). Unfortunately when I right click on the field plot I do not see any option for exporting the raw data.

Finally in the ?fields calculator? I click on the quantity button and select E, and then the geometry button and select my bisecting surface. I then click on the Eval button and see the error message ?the stack contents are incompatible with the current operation?. In the discussions which I have read on the HFSS forum many people discuss exporting solution data to a grid from the field calculator. However I?m not sure how they define this grid.

I would be most grateful for some advice on the correct procedure for exporting the fields

Kind Regards,

Hi, jrk2 !
The easy way is to define your own grid file "mypoint.pts " in a format of three columns: X Y Z (in meters!).
Then go to Calculator, chose "Quantity" you need to export, in "Export" menu do "Input grid points from file" "mypoints.pts"
and select "Output file name".


Thanks very much for this reply. Previously I have selected ?calculate grid points?. I then entered the co-ordinates, for the surface on which I require the fields, into the boxes marked minimum and maximum. I assume that the spacing values relate to the interspacing between the points at which the fields are calculated, and can be chosen at random. Unfortunately I receive a pop-up message which reads ?error in performing operation?

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