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Exporting Data from MATLAB to EXCEL File

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have this data generated in Matlab using m-file. After running the simulation for the first time and using xlswrite, it creates an excel file and saves the data.
My problem is that i want to save the final data from second simulation without having to go back to program n changing the same of the file to save. For Example;

Is it possible to do something like this!

name = input(' Please enter the simulation Name = ', 's' )

%data = contains all the simulated data

s = xlswrite('mydata.xls', data, 'simulation1', 'B1');

xlswrite('mydata.xls', data, 'name', 'B1'); % Please note 'name' from the first line above

such that the first page in an excel file contains first simulation results n the other pages contain the other simulation results as indicated by the user.

Please Help. Thx

I don't know about that software(xlswrite), but try using MATLAB for this purpose

I am using Matlab comand 'xlswrite' to execute a save to excel, so i am definately using matlab to do all the codind and simulation!

oh now i get ur question
try using for loop to get new file name e.g.
for i=1:10
s = xlswrite('mydata_i.xls', data, 'simulation1', 'B1');

P.S. correct the format

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