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hfss gdsii export

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I need to export my design from HFSS to ADS. Can any one help me with this.
Thx in advance


Hello Asim,

If you want to export Ansoft HFSS design to Agilent ADS then
1. Simulated design use export S-parameters (in touchstone format) then import for ckt simulation in ADS
2. Layout Design export in DXF or IGES/GDSII then import & use the Momentum for EM simulation...

you can use even Ansoft Designer or AWR Microwave Office for the samepurpose...

By the way why you want to export?

Thx I will try wht u hv told me. Actually i need a gerber file for my design.
Thx again

to export gerber file from an HFSS file decribing a multi-layered structure (say 6 metal layers)
you need to define 6 offset coordinates, whose origin lie on eatch of the 6 layers. Then you export them one by one to gerber format.

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