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HFSS Result... Plzz Help..

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I'm new on HFSS v10.. Can someone help me this basic thing...

How to find graph Gain VS Frequency?
How to find graph Normalized E-plane and H-plane Radiation Pattern?


How to find graph Gain VS Frequency?
Right-click Results in Project Manager, then choose "Create Report"

How to find graph Normalized E-plane and H-plane Radiation Pattern?

-Clik in the Create report and choose the fonction Radiation Pattern which is in correspondence with your choise.
-For E plane, take phi = 0-0, step 0 and theta= 0-360
Vice versa.

thankss lonalpha n cuongtran...
after choose "create report", what i need to choose then?

I have not HFSS here, but I think u can choose by reading in the rollbar of "creat report" then.

hai all,
i have same problem with mr !mad
i try many way but cannot get the result
i also try use the help index in hfss and also cannot get result
i wonder that really exist the graph of gain versus frequency in hfss
or use other software to create it

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