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far field plot

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all

I have a design containing two antennas, each fed with a waveguide and thus, it has two waveports.
I want to see their sum pattern (means the two of them fed at the same time) and the difference pattern (fed at same time, but 180 degree difference of phase).

Does the "Edit Source" option, where the magnitude and phases of the excitations be changed, affect the "FAR FIELD" plots?

I have done that but seems that it doesn't change and plots just the first antenna's pattern.

Thanks in advanvce for your help


what software r u using ?

Hi saras,
If you are using CST MWS, you can access the antenna array item from the far fields setup and define the array element spacing and phase difference.


sorry, i forgot to name the software. It's HFSS v9.1.

Hi Saras,
If I remember right, I have done what you have asked using the "Edit Sources" option. It worked for me when i did it...I am not sure why your stuff is not responding..
I have to dig a little bit if you can't figure it out, pm me and I'll try and find my stuff.

hi all
do you know that in four spiral how we could achieve to sum and difference pattern?

上一篇:drude model solver

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