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coplanar impedance

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am new to HFSS. I am doing matching filter network to balance dipole antenna.
I know ADS but new HFSS.

Copper: 17um
Substrate:RT-Duroid 5880
Ground: No

Is anyone know how to assign an excitation differential port with Complex Impedance to Coplanar Stripline which is <1mm next to each other?

Complex impedance is needed because the filter is to match complex circuit to the 50ohm dipole antenna.

cool! no one know .....

but i got it already after getting help to HFSS Singapore support centre.

let me answer to myself (-.-||)

we have to export the design to Nexxim or HFSS Designer then only can define complex impedance to the differential ports.

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