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Q-factor of coplanar waveguide CPW

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am designing a coplanar waveguide in HFSS v13. I want to know how Q-factor of cpw can be find out and also what should be the spacing S between the strip and the ground and the width W and length L of the strip?

What is the Q factor of what ? of a CPW Transmission Line ? I have never heard such "Q Factor of a Transmission Line".
Transmission Lines have loss metrics that is depended on the substrate and the metal of the TL.There are some second order cases such as "Diffraction" and "Radiation Losses".
W,s and substrate height define principally the characteristic impedance of the Transmission Line together.Length is function of the wavelength but there is no Q factor definition to my knowledge.

Are you asking about Q factor of a CPW resonator, or just looking for CPW dimensions?

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