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How to design quadridge horn in HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi Azulykit
Thanks for the information
You have given good support

Added after 5 minutes:

Just 2 question What is TAP?
Where can I find Ebook of the handbook you have suggested.
Now I dont work in university so I dont have access to Library.

Added after 23 minutes:

Also Can you suggest any material for understanding of mode theory. In paper they ofter use TE01 mode or TE11 mode.
Difference between mode etc.
I don't get this. what is difference between modes?

Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (join the IEEE for access, I did.) Most university libraries have a "friends of the library" group and they are usually relatively inexpensive to join.

Run down Southworth's book on waveguides. Or you could look at Moreno.

I don't know if e-books of the references I cited exist.

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