plane RLGC parameters with free fieldsolvers.
how can we extracxt powerplane RLGC parameters from a PCB powerplane by any free and opensource fieldsolvers? (mmtl, fasthenry, fastimp...)
to construct an RLGC-grid spice model for further simulations?
or should i use equations? are those good enough?
how can we extracxt powerplane RLGC parameters from a PCB powerplane by any free and opensource fieldsolvers? (mmtl, fasthenry, fastimp...)
to construct an RLGC-grid spice model for further simulations?
or should i use equations? are those good enough?
plane RLGC fieldsolvers 相关文章:
- HFSS port 'Port1' does not have a valid reference plane above or below it.
- Re: HFSS port 'Port1' does not have a valid reference plane above or below it.
- E plane and H plane of Patch antenna
- Plane wave sonnet software
- How can I set the plane wave excitation for theta=90 degree, phi=0~180 degrees
- How to set spherical plane wave in ANSYS HFSS?