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define tm

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
can anyone plz help me to define TM mode at HFSS.
and also how to set TM mode?

thank you

Use waveport with the proper size and frequency to allow TM mode to propagate.

hi wlcsp
thanx for reply, it helps a lot.

what should i do when i need to use TM02, TM03 mode. Do i need to change waveport size? Is there any setup need to be set at hfss while changing the modes or using high order mode.


I don't think you need to change your waverport size. First, define the cut-off freq of those modes. Use the rectangular waveguide formula to calculate the cut-off freq. Then set the number of modes allowed to propagate in your hfss setting.


I think when you define port there is one option
No of modes. Usually it is one. if we want more modes then we specify number.
say we want to see up TM02, TM03 then we will specify 3
Am I correct?

Absolutely correct. Later, you can select which solution you would like to see.


thanx. it helps a lot....

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