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Calculating two sources as one with CST MWS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
My DUT is a simple box with two sources inside, parallel to each other. When I run transient analysis with CST MWS, it shows individual results of each source.

What should I do so that the transient analysis calculates the two sources as one source as a whole?

go to Results -> combine results. give the amplitude and phase of the sources and press combine; done.


May I ask what should the amplitude & phase shift be?

I tried entering all 1s for amplitude and all 0s for the phase shift for both ports, but it shows error for combining the results.

Btw, my source is just a simple circuit with a port connecting to a 50ohm load. I've two similar sources place in the centre of my DUT, parallel to each other. I'm running transient analysis to 1Ghz.

Pls help me, thanks!

i guess something else is wrong in that case. upload the file and we will take a look.

Alrite, I've uploaded the .cst file already.
Please take a look and help me see what is wrong.

Thank you so much!

Any solutions?

Helpless... =(


I guess you need to tell something more about the design. I've seen your design, but didn't understand what the purpose of this simulation.

Hey Shameemkabir, thanks for spending the time to view my project.

For my design, my objective is just to evaluate the difference between 1 source and 2 sources being place side by side. I wanted to see if the emission will be doubled as expected. But right now, for the 2-sources case, the results I've obtained are calculated from individual source separately instead.

The source is merely just a voltage source wired to a resistor. And I've placed near-field probes inside and outside of the box to measure the difference between the two. I tried to make the whole design as simple as possible. Please advise me if anything need to change.

Once again, thanks! Really appreciate your help =)

Any one can help me please?


My project is due soon.

your problem deals with EMC/EMI. Please take a look at this link to understand how to simulate such problems:


There is also one example file in CST installation folder. Please take a look and read the documentation.

I guess emission will not be due to the source however, due to the wires you have. since your wire are not drawn as cylinder, I'm not quite sure whether the simulation is correct or not.

上一篇:reflector equations

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