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circular taper

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello guyz.. could anyone help regarding generation of TE03 MOde in a circular Taper in HFSS, if demensions and operating frequency is fixed. the problem is that for my dimensions and Operating freq. , TE02 mode occur on 24th mode at any port.n generally in HFSS only 25 modes could propagatable.

plzzz guide in this regard

please ..m waiting for some healthy responses

Do you really need to take into account so many modes? Most of them are probaly evanescent modes that can be ignored.

However, if it is really required, you can use CST though I must forewarn you that it will take a long time.

For shorter time simulations, you can use either Waspnet or Mician software.

I'll prefer to use non-HFSS software for modes simulation since I will then know whether it is TE, TM etc.

CST have no stand in front of HFSS , as per my experience of work.
Anyone help me in removing undesired modes and able to keep only deisred modes in the available 25 modes of HFSS

上一篇:Using CST for Shielding

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