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nitial mesh, process mesh3d hfss Erorr message

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I get this message from hfss 9 can any body help me to overcome this problem

design (C:/Documents and Settings/haz/My Documents/Ansoft/)
[info] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (11:59 AM Feb 11, 2009)
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d : Unable to recover all the surface triangles. Additional information may be available in the "model_analysis.html" file in the project results directory. (11:59 AM Feb 11, 2009)

The Summary of Results

2 errors detected.
Model errors= 1
Contact errors= 0
Proximity errors= 1
A section under the topic titled Meshmaker in the on line help
has the glossary of terms used in this report. It also describes
the analysis and has suggestions about workarounds.

Model Analysis Results

Face area ratio Ref Number:9
A body has faces of very different areas

Ratio = 2.469380e-005

The biggest face: id = 65, on Body: "reflector" id= 653
Face bounding box:
setcurpos [ -4.965025e+001, -1.305000e+001, -6.811000e+002 ]
setcurpos [ -2.354987e+001, 1.305000e+001, -1.261000e+002 ]
The small face: id = 674, on Body: "reflector" id= 653
Face bounding box:
setcurpos [ 5.644350e+002, -1.822500e+002, -6.797250e+002 ]
setcurpos [ 5.706050e+002, -1.822500e+002, -6.674750e+002 ]


Proximity Analysis Results

NOTE :** Only the first 50 proximity errors will be reported
Vertex-Face Ref Number:8
Vertex ambiguously close to existing triangle

Dist= 2.693989e-002 ; Snapping will NOT be attempted
New vertex
setcurpos [4.818475e+001, -6.008000e+000 ,-1.431585e+002]
The triangle:
vertex id = 27
setcurpos [4.865663e+001 ,-4.994019e+000 ,-1.261000e+002]
vertex id = 31
setcurpos [4.836222e+001 ,-5.652666e+000, -1.419914e+002]
vertex id = 30
setcurpos [4.890919e+001 ,-4.334330e+000 ,-1.400223e+002]


Contact Analysis Results

I don't know whether your are a beginner in HF design. It looks like you have forgotten a air box with a radiation boundary or an other boundary condition.

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