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Graph Superimpose on Microwave office

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys,

I wanted to superimpose privousely simulated filter in this case with the one that i have modified so i could analize the changes due to my modification. How do i do this on Microwave office?

thanks guys


Hello danesh,

It is very simple...
Import the schematic or S-parameter of the previous filter design to current project, if the previous version of filter already exists in the same project then no need to import...

Then go to Add New Graph & Add New Measurements such as S-Parameters
& choose the data source as Filter Version 1 then add again in the same window once again choose Filter design Version 2 add measurement...
When you simulate you will have both the plots super imposed...

Also to plot modified design results while simulating & viewing previous response is possible by Freezing the Previous simulation results (Graph=> Freez) & then ploting modified results on asame graph...

I have attached screen shot picture files for your reference...


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