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Calculating resonant frequency using eigenmode in HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone, i am designing a filter now. And firstly i want to get the resonant frequency of a SIR with a dielectric surrounded. I know i can make it in HFSS eigenmode, but i have never used the feature before. I tried to find some tutorials but failed... Can anyone here help me ? Thanks in advance.


Select Eigenmode Solution to calculate the eigenmodes, or resonances, of a
structure. The eigenmode solver finds the resonant frequencies of the structure
and the fields at those resonant frequencies.
The Ansoft HFSS eigenmode solver can find the eigenmodes of lossy as well
as lossless structures, and can calculate the unloaded Q of a cavity.

Thank you first. but do you have some tutorials?

I want to know how to calculate the unloaded Q of a cavity using the eigenmode solution.


Just a question on eigenmodes. I have noticed the following: when I simulate a cavity with a material with out losses I get the frequencies of the modes very fast, with high accuracy and with convergence in 2 3 steps.On the other hand when I replace with a material with losses, I can hardly get the convergence after 30 iterations or more and if I increase the accuracy it doesnt converge. Can someone give me an explanation on that?

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