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How to draw a pattern antenna in MATLAB?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
please i need help from any one who know :

how i draw pattern antenna with matlab?

any type of antenna (λ/2 dipole ,horn,aperture)
i need this very very fast

so any one know about this topic pleasse send me

my e_mail
thank u very much

Hi hoke!

It is so simple. There are two basic way to do it.

1) If you know the analytic formula you may use "polar" instruction to plot the pattern in polar coordinate. Of course you have to change the Electric or Magnetic Components into Polar coordinate.

2) If you don't have any analytic formula you may use different numeric methods like: MoM, FEM, FDM, ... which help you obtain the fields in a difinite space during a difinite time. After that you may use the same structure; discused before; to plot the pattern.

Note: You can draw a 2-D Pattern by using "polar" instructor, however, you can plot a 3-D Pattern too. in that case you can use "mesh" instructor. But remember that the coordinate is cartesian.

I can send you some Examples about Hertz Dipole, if you would like.


Thank u very much for your replay

please send me some Examples about Hertz Dipole

thank u again


I am struggling ; "drawing patterns for dipole with sinusoidal current distribution?" can you please assist!

email: tankiom@yahoo.com

Thanks very much

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