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Looking for mechanical or 3D EM model for Smart Card (SIM) connector

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody,

I need to do an EMI/EMC simulation on a design that includes a Smart Card (SIM) connector. I am planning to use either HFSS of EMPro for the task, but it is extremely difficult to draw the model of the connector itself in an accurate way.

Does anyone has a mechanical or 3D EM model for such a connector (or can point me to some online resource)?

Thanks a lot


Precise 3D connector models are usually provided for high speed data and RF connectors. I doubt if any vendor has it for their SIM card connectors. I guess, it's a relaistic assumption, that have to draw it yourself. There are also very different constructions in use.

The required accuracy and mechanical resolution however depends strongly on the frequency range of interest. But even when modelling e.g. susceptibility to mobile originated RF interferences, simplified geometries should be able to reflect the real behaviour.

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