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hfss ground

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have work on filter design (bandpass filter) and i am designing filter with defected ground structure and i was simulate my design with AWR(Applied Wave Research) or Microwave Office.

Now I turn to HFSS to learn and simulate with it

Can anyone help me on how to model the defect on the back metal ?

the defect is an etching area in a metal in any shape like C-shape or Hairpin

attached a photo to the defect
Thanks for everyone

Hi everyone
No one can help it is urgent topic


First define your ground plane as perfect E, then draw the C shape structure (3 rectangulars), assigned these elements as perfect H ( slots in a metal). You can simulate after that. Let me know, if you have any problem.

first i was want to know how to made the defect in the ground(how to etch the C-shape)
and i was modeled

you say to make the ground plane perfect E and the defect as perfect H
why you say that?

i simulate without assinging any of these but the result was not satisfactory
hope you to reply to my question?

Thanks again


why dont you simulate using the perfect E perfect H suggestion?

i cannot understand if i assign the three rectangular as perfect-H before or after i subtract them from the ground?

and if i assign them as perfect-H i can subtract the rectangular or not?
i will try this




I need a book in Dielectric Resonator Antenna(DRA)


hey no one have such abook
i need it urgently

hi there.. how could you design defected ground w/ AWR..
do you have any tutorial for design defected ground w/AWR?

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