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i need to desing a half wave dipole antenna

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
want to change these values for a half wave dipole antenna Could any one plz explain me how can I change the values for theses .. I mean is it standard so I just change the lambda value or I have to do some changes I hope to get ur kind answers
Hfss design properties

Lambda 100mm
Dip_rad : lambda/200
Radiation_rad : dip_rad+(lambda/4)
Gap_src: 0.0125
Res_lenght: .0475*lambda
Dip_lenght: res_lenght/2-(gap_src/2)
Radation_height: gap_src/2+dip_lenght+lambda/10

i hope that some one explain me or give me some more information about it

I still feel that u are making design in a difficult way.
You need a good wire to use is a #14 or #16 stranded copper wire of required legnth (TOTAL)L(m)=143/f(MHz),with three insulators.
Two at the end of each lambda/4 sections and one in the feed postion.
U need a choke 1:1 balun,search for Google.
Also erect it at lambda/2 ht above groud.
More details can be otained in ARRL Handbook or Josecph Carr Practical antenna book.

to be honest with you (atul) im trying to understand your answer ... i have seen this in some books as u said but is it possible to do it in hfss really as u said im trying to design in difficult way .. do u have any example (ready by hfss) .. i have the frequency and i dont know if u can help me to design it any way thanks alot for your kind answer

dear friends can some one give the codes to design the half wave dipole antenna usıng hfss or what are these values

I will try to help you, according to what you listed you need to know what parameter in the list needs to be changed, In order to give a correct dipole antenna.

I recall the code that you are currently using is a tutorial I have seen but can not find at the moment. according to my memory the only parameter needs to be changed is Lambda, the rest is taken care of. you need to know your frequency of transmission (F) and then calculate Lambda = 3*10^8/F. and then simulate to see the result.

and also according to my memory
Lambda = is the wave length
Dip_rad = the dipole radius which is very small compared to the length of the dipole.
Radiation_rad = this is the radiation boundary condition around the dipole needed for the simulation.
Radation_height = this is also the related to the boundary condition above the dipole.
Res_lenght = this is the total length of the dipole.
Dip_lenght = one conductor of the dipole length.
Gap_src= this is not very sure about, but I believe the gap between the conductors for the source to be inserted.

if things not very clear please reply.

how did u choose these parameter and wher did u get these equations?

can u give the equation which defines the radius and feed gap of this dipole antenna?


上一篇:evaluate field on face cst

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