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How to define port in feko

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am designing a edge fed patch antenna in feko. But when defining the port in feed line , there are three options available . wire port , edge port and microstrip port .

According to my thinking this port shd be edge type . But at the time of defining a positive part and negative part options are shown by FEKO. I do'nt understand how to define my str .
Please help me. ....

I suggest you should use IE3D.IE3D is more convenient comparatively.

the feko online/user manual explains how to define an edge port.The example folder of feko also contains a few examples for an edge fed rectangular patch antenna.

That is true but only for inifinite substrates. There are are no SEP examples with an edge port for a finite substrate!

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