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help in AWR!!

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
i hve dsngned uwb antenna using HFSS v.9.bt wen i dsgn the same antena in awr the rzlts of HFSS n AWRv.6.51 donot match..plzzzzzzz help me out.m uploading both the files..thnx in advnce.

somebody help me plzzzzzzzzzz

Hello aziz,

I have modified your AWR MWO file, & I got new results...
See the attached picture is this what you want or getting from Ansoft HFSS?

If not upload Ansoft results screenshot, as I don't have Ansoft HFSS,
so that once again I will modify the details in MWO!


hello sir!
thanks alot for your help sir. No sir i am not getting such results in HFSS. I am attaching the image of HFSS results which i am getting. sir i'll b really gratefull if you help me.
once again thanks.

Hello Omair,

I tried couple of options but with little improvements...
I wanted to just know what exact values of Dielectric material used
say Er, H, Losstangent, Conductor material Conductivity, thickness?
location of excitation wrt ground plane!

If you have the reference paper or document, do attach so that I will try to help in setting up exact model in AWR MWO...to get final results..


hello sir
thank you so much sir for your help.
i am giving the values of parameters which you have asked.
for patch:
thickness=16mm, Er=1, losstangent=0
for substrate:
thickness=1.6mm, Er=4.7, losstangent=0.019.
for ground plane:
thickness=16mm, Er=1, losstangent=0.
Bulk cond is 0 for all 3 of them.
actually sir i dont have any refernce paper or document, i jus got the idea of meandering using this design from a book and worked on this design myself.
once again thanks.

Added after 1 hours 20 minutes:

sir above parameter values are those which i used for AWR design.
for HFSS v.9 design,parameters values are:
Er=4.7, losstangent=0.02, substrate height=1.6mm.
i have used perfect E-boundary for patch and ground. a waveport is used for excitation which is defined at the edge of ground plane and substrate. the vector is defined in vertical direction having dimensions same as that of substrate thickness.
the substrate is 84x66mm in dimension.

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