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How to use AWR MWO EM simulator for circuits with datafiles?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am new to AWR Microwave office software. I have some measured two port s-parameter data files. One file is for a capacitor. I need to include these files in my circuit and simulate using AXIEM or ACE.

I imported the data file and used the subcircuit to include it in the schematic. But I need to inlcude the pad dimension for this subcircuit so that I can get a propper layout. Is it possible to know how to do this?

I connected some passive transmission lines for this subcircuit and simulated in the schematic. It actually gave the correct results. However, when I try to use AXIEM or ACE I get wrong results.

Can somebody help regarding these issues?


Hello Radike,

upload your MWO file (*.emp)...

yes, it is possible to create artwork for your capacitor s-parameter data file in MWO...

Just go to Layout browser create new GDSII or DXF cell library then create New Cell then draw the Capacitor pads/artwork using the datasheet dimensions , then add the cell ports...finally then right click on the S-parameter subcircuit in schematic & select the properties & then go to Layout page where you can select the recently created artwork & you can associate ...


Hi Manju,

Thanks for the reply. I was able to draw the artwork and simulate both AXIEM and ACE


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