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help needed in CST

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am new to cst software. I m trying to make a coil excited with current source. I got this error(" Mesh representation of discrete port1 is a single point"). Then i increased the mesh n simulation ran but didnt reach the steady state condition..What i need to do to reach steady state condition..PLz help..


We need more information to help you.

Can you mention what frequency you are simulating the antenna, the size of your structure and the mesh parameters you are using for it ?

Pay attention because the 3D coils structures are subject to stair case mesh representation, so you need a fine mesh instead coarse, I recommend you to set up the mesh locally (local meshing properties on right click over the structure).


Hi enrico

My coil is 10cm dia with 16 turns excited with 30mA current.now i need to analyse in 10KHz range.. in this case what can be my mesh size? any futher help u can provide? one more thing can we use CST Microwave studio in Hertz range? will it work in lower freq range? what is the lowest freq range?


Hi Dear,

Now I see your problem. I don't have experience simulation structures with very low frequencies, but I will try to give my overview based on your problem.

You are simulating the structure in the CST MWS at 10 KHz range. I suppose you are using the transient analysis.

While using transient solver, CST needs at least lambda/8 (taking the middle of frequ. range) as surrounding space to compute farfield and give you good results. You could even reduce it, but it will not escape from the huge simulation time. In other words, lambda/8 @ 10 KHz means a distance of
3,75 Km from your source ! This would lead in a tremendous effort in the calculation domain of the transient solver. CST needs to discretize and mesh all this remaining space, quite impossible task.

Alternatively, you could use other solvers like CST EM Studio for simulate your coil with tetrahedral surface meshing, but limited to static analysis and output parameters. It will depends on what parameters you want to plot.

I hope it helps.

Hi enrico

Thanks a lot 4 ur information. Will find out some other solution.

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