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UWB Antenna Design using AWR Microwave Office MWO

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Help! I was doing a UWB circular monopole antenna using MWO and could not able to get a desired return loss s11 and radiation patten. I wondered what could i gone wrong?
The antenna was to operate at a frequency range of 2-10GHz and i set the step as 1-2Ghz interval.
Thickness=1.575mm; Er=2.33; losstangent=0.0012
via port = 0.5mm and pitch of 1mm
circular monopole of radius 7.5mm
Shielded Stripline of 2mm in between of a dual layered ground planes and terminated at end.
I tried putting a notch conductor to integrate the striplines to the circular monopole and I wasn't sure is this the results that I would be getting.
So anyone please help out...


check this link it may solve ur problem,

UWB antenna simulation with CST and HFSS


other links are as follows;

uwb antenna discussion

simulating monopole ultra wideband antenna using IE3D

Hello hanif,

It may be setting problem...
upload your Microwave Office (MWO) file (*.emp), we will help you in suggesting some settings for antenna analysis using MWO...


This will be the MWO file of my design and hope u guys out there could help me solve this problem cos it was my final year project for university...thanks so much for ur kind response


You need to divide into two parts em structure one Antenna Circular shape & two Stripline feed with Vias...Then combine in the schematic editor...

No need to place Via ports just place the Vias...

You divide this em structures & call as a subcircuits in Schematic editor & then combine...

This I think helps & fixes your problem...


Hi Maju or anyone out there,
Can help to to take a look on my design of monopole antenna again? I have change the substrate material to FR4 as it was cheaper and easy to get anywhere and I got the response of the antenna attached.
But I would like to find if any case i can enhance on the bandwidth of the antenna and the return loss of the resonance frequency at low frequency based on the graph attached.
Please help...URGENT!
Thanks and Regards
Chew Qun Feng

Hello Chew Qun Feng,

I had a look at your problem... still your antenna settings needs to be modified
keep the Antenna structure away from the walls, & change default Air layer height to >5X height of substrate...your stripline feed is OKay...

I have modified & uploaded the Microwave Office (MWO) file (*.emp), you can see now it is giving far better results...


Hi Maju,

Thanks for the attention. But I was unable to open your emp file with my MWO software version. May I know what version you are using or anyway I can open with my MWO 2002 5.53? I still do not understand by keeping the antenna structure away from the walls and the air layers height is under which option?

Thanks and Regards
Chew Qun Feng

Hello Chew Qun Feng,

I recomend you to use the latest MWO v9.01 which is improved for EM simulation speed compared to very old v5.53...

Any way I have attached the old version MWO project files, see the Antenaa_1 EM Structure for modifications which answers all your queries & the new Graph for the simulation results, you can see drastic change in the response & it is more practical compared to the previous one...


Hi Maju,

Any ways I could enhance on the bandwidth of the resonance frequencies shown in the graph attached below? The bandwidth of each dip I would like to enlarge from approx. 2GHz to at least 3.5GHz. Do I need to add a slot, a stub, choose a thicker substrate or anything to the monopole antenna design?

上一篇:xfp hfss

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