plz help in the design of combline bandpass filter
Tapping to the first and last resonators is much a much better choice and also saves spaces. Why do you want to use the transform coupled lines?
For the transform coupled lines, you can use the same length as your resonator. You need to control the space between your line and the first (last resonator) to obtain strong enough coupling. Normally you need to groud the line on the opposite side as your comeline to get strong enough coupling. The filter bandwidth is limited.
if i want to design using tapped line to design combline then what should be the length of tapped line and where i have to put the tap to the first resonator to get narrow band width.........another question is that if i want to design a filter using capacitive coupled series resonator(gap coupling) i found the value of capacitance(gap) and iam getting problem to determine the gap width how to determine the gap width if the gap capacitance is known
You can use the same length as your other resonators, of cause you need to provide a frequency tuning screw to tune the frequency of each resonator to get the correct response. The tap position depends on your filter bandwidth, resonator length, as well as wire inductance that used for tapping. You can adjust the coupling strength by moving the tap position up and down (with respect to ground) to increase or decrease the coupling strength.
Your another question, are you referring to other filter other than combline filter? For combline filters, the couplings between resonators are always inductive.
hi when i want to design a combline bandpass what shuld the value i have to take for the resonator impedance ?whether it should be 50 ohm as of feedline or some other impedance when i referred to the text book of microstrip filters by lancaster he has taken resonator impedance arbitrarily but greater than 50ohm why?
There is a weak dependence of the unloaded Q on the resonator impedance. One can actually use any value. People normally use 60 to 100 ohm. For coaxial, 75 ohm gives the optimum unloaded Q. It really doesn't matter which impedance one use.
what equation did you use to find the lengths and spacings for your filter. Also is there any way of finding out what N would be best for your frequency range