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Planar Antenna Array

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody!

I need to investigate some array arrangements for my planar antenna. The tutorial from CST-MWS provides an example of an array of planar antenna fed by coax. The antenna in my case is fed by CPW line. Can i do the array simulation by just copying the single element and leave the port so ?

Or do I have to connect all the single ports i.e. all the CPW lines together to form just one single main port ?

I really don't have any idea. Please shed some light on this...

Thank you very much for your help.


It depends what do you want to simulate, i guess.
Actual antenna arrays are multi port devices, every port is excited
using a seperate feed. Planar arrays are generally used for scanning. Array elements are phased differently to form the beam at the desired angle. Implementations require a complicated feeding structure.

However in the litrature, you will see the term "active element pattern". This is simple measure to the antenna performance. Single antenna is excited and others are open circuited. This way, array is modeled as a one port device.

so you have two choices:
1) define a one port device
2) define a multi-port device. ie. 16 ports for a 4x4 array.

ps: Do not connect the cpw lines together; that will give you nonsense results.

hey sir ...
l'm also doing a planar array design using CST .. but l'm confused on whether l shoudl feed each element separatly or just use the transmission lines to feed all the elements with a single port .... Also, l'm confused on which type of feed port l should use ( coaxial post, edge port or should use another way fit the application) .. but each time l use the coaxial port feed l got an error with the matrix solver and the calculation get aborted ... l really dont kn wat to do and l'm so stressed coz l have tried many ways but since now l could get actual results .... :(

thank you and l really appreciate ur help ...:)

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