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how can i simulate TEM TM TE wave incident FSS WITH HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
in simulating FSS , I know how to simulate a plane wave incident FSS by different angle.

how can i simulate TEM TM TE wave incident FSS arrays with HFSS?

thank you for help

You can't. HFSS does not give you this information nor allow you to specify what modes to be input to the port.

cst can do what you want.in cst, you can choose the mode of incident wave.

thank you for your help. wish you a good weekend

Added after 42 seconds:

thank you ,i am studying CST now .

friend xue
yes u can do it in HFSS


in CST


HI friend abdoeng
thank you for your reply and help
i still have one question : in HFSS simulating FSS with floquet ports , how can i change the direction of incidence wave ?
wish you have a good weekend

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