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[Help] Memory requirement in Sonnet

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am a newer in electromagnetic simulations, and I use Sonnet to simulate.
I draw a pattern which has double layers of metals and try to analyse it in Sonnet.
The memory requirement is about 3.4 GB, and my PC has 12 GB memory. But when I analyze it, an "out of memory" error happen. I don't know why, since the required memory size is smaller than what my PC have. Does anyone know how
to solve it? When I choose the "memory save" option, the memory requirement reduces to 1.7 GB, and then it can run.

ps. my CPU is Intel Core i7 930, motherboard is Asus P6T SE,
OS is Windows XP x64 edition.



what Sonnet version are you running? Older versions will not support 64 bit, so they are limited in problem size to 2GB max.

"Memory save" reduces the matrix size by storing numbers in "single numerical precision" which increases the numerical noise at low frequency. Also, this slows down the analysis because certain advanced processor features cannot be used with single precision numbers. To summarize: use this option with care.

Here are some tips for efficient meshing in Sonnet:

Best regards

I failed to attach the file in the previous reply, and re-attach it now.


Dear volker_muehlhaus,

thanks for your reply.
My Sonnet version is "Sonnet 9.52", and is it too old to fit the 64-bit OS so that the designed pattern cannot exceed 2GB memory? If it is, what version should I use?

I am reading your excellent article "Efficient Meshing in Sonnet" and trying if I can modify the style of subsections (change from staircase to conformal). Attached is the pattern I run (it should be a narrow bandpass filter), and would you have any suggestion to reduce the memory requirement or to shorten the time for analyzing?
Many thanks.

Hello William,

correct, the old Sonnet 9.52 is limited to 32bit/2GB. You should upgrade to Sonnet 12, which can do bigger jobs (64bit) and has more efficient mesh for this kind of geometry.

Best regards

上一篇:help meeeeeeeeee!!

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