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Exciting multiple ports all together in CST Microwave Studio

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys,
So im designing a horn antenna for beam scanning. I have 5 rectangular waveguide ports in the horn antenna. I was able to complete everything on HFSS, but now in CST i'am not able to figure out how to excite all the 5 ports at once in varying amplitudes. The design i simulated in CST shows the 3D plots at different frequencies for the 5 ports separately. I however want to combine the modes propagated from the ports so as to achieve beam scanning. Help me guys, i'am stuck up big time.

hai to exite all ports go to the transient solver in that simulation settings--> source type----> selection---> exicitation ----> activated simultaneous excitation

Thanks for the help James,
So i basically want to vary the power amplitude in the different ports to observe the change in radiation pattern. On reading your post, i was able to change the amplitudes in the ports but its simulating the structure again. Shouldn't this be a part of post-processing which should not involve simulating again, like we do in HFSS, once the simulation is complete we can change the amplitude etc and we get prompt results. Am i doing something wrong in CST to generate the radiation pattern? Let me know. You help and time is appreciated.

hai if u r using antenna array then in the farfield results right click and select property and choose array antenna there u can change amplitude and phase

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