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How2measure Lefthand&Righthand Circular Polarisation inH

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
In HFSS 11 simulator,incase of linear polarisation, co polarisation and crosspolarisation are measured from the radiation pattern.But how to measure Lefthand CP ie.LHCP and Righthand CP ie. RHCP from the radiation pattern in HFSS?Plz help me out.I heard that copole and crosspole curves actually indicate LHCP and RHCP curves in the radiation pattern in HFSS. is this true? if true then among LHCP & RHCP curves, which curve indicates LHCP and which curve indicates RHCP in the radiation pattern of circular MSA. PLz give reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.

I think what you want is a rectangular far field plot showing the PolarizationRatioCircularLHCP which you can find under Polarization Ratio in the categories. I would probably use the dB scale. PRC-LHCP and PRC-RHCP are reciprocals of one another (in the linear scale). This ration can then be plotted against theta or phi (or both in case of 3-dimensional plots, which however I do not find so helpful in cases like these). Hope that helps.

上一篇:requiring matlab code

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