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How to get Current along the vias in mushroom struct. HFSS?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone,

I am trying to find the current(Amps) along the vias in the seivenpiper structure using HFSS 10.

Structure: I am simulating a unit cell with patch on a grounded dielectric slab which is connected to ground by vias. The excitation I am using is plane wave with oblique incidence and TM polarization. For TM polarization oblique incidence the E-field will interact with the vias and induces current in it. The current is supposed to be uniform(confirmed by CST).

So, in the first method what I did is, I defined a polyline along the surface of the vias and in the post processing, I calculated mag_jvol and complx_Jvol over this polyline, but the current density is not unifrom.

Second method: I defined a circular polyline and calculated integral(H.dl).
then repeated this for various circles along the via at various points and calculated the current. Even then the current is not unifrom.

Can anyone please tell me, what am I doing wrong? When I calculated the reflected phase, its same as CST(done by some one).

thank you.

Hi Yash,

I am a new user on HFSS 11. and i am interestig in the same issue.

I will be appreciated if you have a time to answer me how can we adjust the cutplanes(reflection or evalution planes over which we record our fiels) for different angle of incidence (There is no Geometry menue just only Draw ->plane and then we have to select the points but it seems to difficult to adjust the angles of these planes in this way.

Second could you tell me how can we switch from TE to TM polarized plane waves from the spherical coordinate dialog box.

thank you

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