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Creating EM structure from Netlist?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Could anyone help how can I create an electromagnetic structure from Netlist file using AWR Microwave office? Is it possible with any other softwares?

Thank you

Hello Prasanth,

What Netlist file format you have & why you need to use netlist...?
Is it any perticular design data say Filter, coupler?
you can create a structure & then you can use the optimizer to fit to the netlist results using EM simulators...


Hi Manju,

I need to make EM structure from netlist. For example .net format for AWR microwave office, I can write the netlist file. The EM structure which I need to make is complex and need much time so I am thinking to make a structure from netlist file. Is it possible? What is netlist results? is it the required output? I just need to create a structure corresponding to netlist file.


Hello Prasanth,

It is not possible to create EM structure from netlist file...

But you can convert your netlist into circuit schematic (Microstrip) that you can automatically convert or extract into EM structure in AWR Microwave Office....


Hi Manju,
That is exactly I need to know. my circuit consist of only microstrips. Can you please give me some more details about how to convert netlist in to schematic. I can import or link to netlist by right click on the 'circuit schematic' tab. but how can I convert it in to schematic?



For a simple Touchstone Netlist File (*.net) as shown below

MLIN 1 3 ID="TL1" W=1 L=10
MLIN 4 5 ID="TL3" W=1 L=5
MTEE 3 4 6 ID="TL2" W1=1 W2=1 W3=1
MLEF 6 ID="TL4" W=1 L=10
MGAP 5 7 ID="TL5" W=1 S=1
MBEND 8 9 ID="TL6" W=1 ANG=90 M=0.5
MLIN 8 10 ID="TL7" W=1 L=10
MBEND 10 11 ID="TL8" W=1 ANG=90 M=0.5
MLIN 11 2 ID="TL9" W=1 L=10
MLIN 7 9 ID="TL10" W=1 L=5
MSUB Er=3.38 H=1 T=0.05 Rho=1 Tand=0 ErNom=3.38 Name="SUB1"
PORT 1 P=1 Z=50
PORT 2 P=2 Z=50
DEF0P "Schematic 1"

The corresponding Schematic & the layout is shown in the attached pictures...
This clearly indicates on how to connect or convert the netlist into microstrip circuit schematic...
I hope this helps you to convert your netlist in MWO...


How was your netlist created, for which simulator?

hello volker,

Created using MWO by right clicking on the Circuit Schematic & selecting the "Export Netlist" then saved as (*.net)...

The format is described at following AWR web page


AWRDE User Guide => Netlists => Touchstone File Import Utility => Example Touchstone File


Hi Manju,

sorry for possible confusion. Actually, my question was for Prasanth.

I am just curious about the origin of his netlist because this netlist -> layout conversion was something I have been working on many years ago. At that time, the RF simulation tools with integrated layout did not yet exist and we did true netlist to layout conversion for netlists from Touchstone, Super-Compact and MMICAD.

Best regards

Hi Manju, Volker,

Thank you for the help. Still I am not understanding how to convert netlist in to Schematic. I need the steps to convert. I have a netlist file or I can use the netlist example you given, but once I import netlist in to AWR what to do for converting it in to schematic?

The netlist file is I am not writing with touchstone or any other format, this is I am writing according to the format of AWR netlist. I tried the netlist file you given but still not working.

I go through the link you given but I didn't get the idea. Please give me simple explanation..
should I do some optimize, Analyze, Run, or adding graph etc. options for that?


Hello Prasanth,

just for my understanding: why do you start with a netlist instead of starting with the schematic in MWO?

Best regards

Hi Volker,

My layout consist of hundreds of microstrips and I am using another program for writing this netlist file. So if I can start from netlist that would be easier.


Hello Prasanth,

upload or past your netlist file so that we can go through the same & see any easy way to convert it into Circuit Schematic...


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