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interpreting S-parameters in HFSS! Tooo urgent! Help me!

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys;

I have a really urgent problem..I am simulating a rectangular waveguide in a certain frequency range using HFSS 11. After simulation ; I have to interpret each S parameter that belongs each mode individually. By the way; I have 4 modes propagating.

For example,

what is S(WavePort1:1,WavePort1:2)? I know the meaning of S11 or S12 to but how about this one? I am just so confused..Can u also tell me the S parameter interpretation in HFSS in a general way?

Thank u, in advance..

IT mean that how much the power in first mode at port 1 when second mode is induced at port one,
Now what is mode 1 and mode 2
check the waveport excitation and see the modes( you can see all modes that much u have inserted)

I am sorry I could not understand IT means and relation with my question..

I 've just written the part in HFSS as S(WP...) in above message and I want to learn how can I interpret this message..

I can see the modes when I use port field display part..But I want to see S parameters of individual modes..

Simply, S(Waveport1:1,Waveport1:1) means the diagonal S element (Waveport1 ... Waveport1) while the (...:1) is the mode number. So S(Waveport1:1,Waveport1:1) is the return loss of mode 1. S(Waveport1:1,Wavveport1:3) is the near end modal cross talk at Waveport 1 between an excited mode 1 and a returned mode 3. Simply, if I excite only mode 1 at waveport 1, how much energy do I get back at Waveport 1 in the third mode.

last example...S(Waveport1:1, Waveport2:3) is essentially your far end modal crosstalk where you determine how much energy arrives at waveport 2 in the 3 mode if you excite the 1 mode in waveport 1.

It is not too bad..but a bit tedious ;)

hope this helps, :)

thank u soooo muchhh=)

上一篇:the cg fft method

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