what's dfifrence btween this two excitation(waveport)?
Dear friends
I do a same project in two seprate files and get diffrent result.
The whole projects details are same (size,material,dimension,....)
but i have diffrent solution in the port field display.
in the first file I get the above port display result and in the other file I see the bottom result (TEM mod)for field port display
I konw that the second is a TEM mode but why ,when all details in two files are same I get two diffrent result in these files?
can someone help me?
I do a same project in two seprate files and get diffrent result.
The whole projects details are same (size,material,dimension,....)
but i have diffrent solution in the port field display.
in the first file I get the above port display result and in the other file I see the bottom result (TEM mod)for field port display
I konw that the second is a TEM mode but why ,when all details in two files are same I get two diffrent result in these files?
can someone help me?
You should post your project...there is something different between these two projects and you are simply missing it ;) I may miss it too, but I am willing to look :)
Thanks for your reply
I found the diffrences between two files
What is the difference between the two files? What did you miss?
in order to having TEM mode waveport excitation should apply in a plane which is included a part of conducter sheet
it was the key of this project.