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Waveport Exciation in HFSS

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All,

Thanks for all the previous responses to my doubts.

I would like to simulate a beam in an offset position within a cavity. First I calculate the resonance cavity of the system (with no beam: I mean a cylinder with material properties as a perfect conductor is used as a beam analogue). Then when I perform in Driven model with an offset beam to understand field localization (which will be used for position determination), with the solution frequency as the resonance frequency, I define waveport excitation on entrance and exit of the structure (waveguide extension). However, with S parameter determination, I could figure out there is complete reflection and no transmission.

However, when I run the simulation with solution frequency as the resonance frequency that was calculated with the offset beam (PEC; the resonance frequency is different obvious), then I see the beam transmitting through the structure. Now I have a contradiction about what is the correct procedure to determine the resonance frequency. From the manual of ANSYS HFSS and from discussion in the forum, I believe the eigenmode is solved with jus the structure volume (with no beam). Now I am lost about how to solve this issue.

I have a feeling that maybe defining the integration line could be one reason but I checked that as well and does not seem to lead to a conclusion.

Could someone help me in this regard?

Thanks a lot for your time and effort!

I'm not sure what you mean by a "beam", especially given a wave port excitation. If you want to excite a Gaussian Beam, you can insert it in HFSS under HFSS->Excitations->Assign->Gaussian Beam, but you'll have to extract the scattering parameters yourself.

I meant beam as a cylinder (a wire) across the cavity with PEC boundary condition.Then it is analogous to a test bench characterization setup. I have not tried with a gaussian beam, maybe that solves the issue. Thanks for the suggestion. Let me try it out and update here!

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